Is it safe to drink tap water in Brno?

When people move to a new city, one of the concerns they may have is whether tap water is safe to drink. In the case of Brno, Czech Republic, a recent study has confirmed that the quality of tap water is excellent, and residents can rely on it for drinking.

The study was conducted in 2022 by experts from the Advanced Materials, Structures and Technologies (AdMaS) research institute, part of the Faculty of Civil Engineering at the Brno University of Technology, and the city company Brno Waterworks and Sewerage. The team evaluated the state of drinking and wastewater in Brno, focusing on the levels of drugs, narcotics, and psychotropic substances, pesticides, and options for their disposal. The study also set stricter criteria for long-term monitoring of micropollutants and microplastics in the water.

The budget allocated to the project by Dáme na vás (translatable as We’re counting on you) was CZK 2.95 million, and the full results can be found on the website.

“The aim of my project was to prepare a study on how to improve the general quality of water flowing out of wastewater treatment plants and the quality of tap water,” said Zdeněk Herblich, the designer and proposer of the project.

The research confirmed the very high quality of drinking water from both the city’s main water sources: the Vír reservoir and Březová nad Svitavou. In addition, the possibility was discussed of intensifying wastewater treatment with further stages of treatment technologies that are capable of reducing even highly persistent substances.

The study can also help the operator of the wastewater treatment plant in the future development of the facility, as it can assist in the selection of appropriate technologies for higher levels of water treatment.

While the condition of the pipes can affect the quality of tap water, residents of Brno can be assured that the water is safe to drink. Choosing tap water over bottled water can not only save money but also benefit the environment.

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